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Showing posts from 2015

Humanity you chose wrong!

The caves were dark. Suffocating. But the journey outside the caves has pushed mankind into deeper darkness. It is because we have probably made the wrong choices as a race, together. We are all partners in the crime and the victims too. We should have been driven by 'need' but we chose 'greed' to drive us. The clear skies over our heads , bright sunshine and the twinkling lovely stars, showed us the way to eternity but we chose to hear our own self -doubts. We dulled our insecurities by preying on the weaker species in an attempt to feel powerful. We hid behind our science toys to take on the mighty nature. Look at us now! How miserably failure we have turned out as a race. We have killed the nature with our little experiments and excursions trying to justify as progress... Put you hand on your heart...have we really progressed...other than discovering better toys to keep ourselves mused, have we really achieved anything worthwhile, we the humans? We still can'...