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Showing posts from December, 2023

The power of travel

We don't meet people like Columbus anymore. Someone who risked everything to travel and find Newlands. Virgin territories for humanity. Today we are so obsessed with our gadgets, that we are moving away from the real world. We are not travelling enough. We are not aware of our surroundings.  We are not one with nature anymore. I'm worried. Are you?

Plastic world!

We stopped being nomads ten thousand years back... And like stagnant water, our decay started. We formed boundaries that never existed before But we became the prisoners within them We let greed take over and we started finding joy outside us God was within us but we looked outside We became obsessed with winning We started killing for fun We chose to be cruel when we should have chosen to be kind We chose to kill when we should have chosen to collaborate We became a society full of plastic A society that glorified materialism A society that was dying from within A plastic world Will we ever come out of this plastic world? No one knows for sure Let's enjoy the nature what's still left Before we might start paying for the air we breathe We are dying as a race We are killing our own selves by eating junk and filling out minds with junk It's got to stop now We must turn back to nature and become free We must return to innocence For happiness and liberty