I truly believe that our spirits are thousands of years old. And the learnings of each birth is retained by the soul and is never forgotten. The knowledge about our past lives are dormant within us but is very much there. I am sure we have a Buddha within all of us that is waiting to be awakened by the right stimuli. I think the time is here. The time is now. As a civilization, in the last five hundred years or so we have lived like the Gautama the prince. Someone who has been born into riches and is distant from any kind of pain. We have science as the courtesans offering us all the amusements our mortal bodies seek. But the soul is left malnourished with our over indulgence in materialism. But now as we look around, our extravagance has cost us dearly. We have ruined our environment. We have poisoned the air, water and Earth. We have stopped thinking about our very existence. It's time the Gautama enters the cave within and prays long and hard. And emerges as the Bud...
Everyday, there are tiny emotions and brain waves - some real and some imaginary, touch us and help us experience something new. Something that we have not experienced before. Something that made us a little older, a little wiser, a little sadder, a little happier and a little more humane....I am trying to catch these thoughts and brainwaves and sharing with you...for you to live them, through my eyes...