As a child, I have always been fascinated by the birds. Well, I don't actually love love birds, but I found it very intriguing that these tiny little creatures had the power to migrate thousands of miles to save themselves, year after year. The remember the direction like it's in their DNA, passed on from generation to generation, along with this unbeatable survival instinct. They also are born leaders. They instinctively know how to choose to lead and give up that position when they feel they are no more in that position and someone else is better suited for it at that time. I feel that we humans, though we claim to be the most superior of species, seem to lack this instinct, the instinct to be selfless when it comes to saving the community. We claim to ourselves that we are a social bunch. We even created a branch of study dedicated to the society - sociology. But are we really social? Are we really like the birds and animals who lead and follow seamlessly according to the s...
Everyday, there are tiny emotions and brain waves - some real and some imaginary, touch us and help us experience something new. Something that we have not experienced before. Something that made us a little older, a little wiser, a little sadder, a little happier and a little more humane....I am trying to catch these thoughts and brainwaves and sharing with you...for you to live them, through my eyes...