Indian scriptures always promoted and prescribed four stages of human life: the age of students, the age of family, the age of simple living in the forests and lastly the age of seeking Nirvana theough austerities. As we became more advanced scientifically, we ignored these teachings and chased prolonged material gratification and longievity through artifitial means. This made us more dependent on the man made recipes of good health that took us away from nature. I think it's time to reverse that. We must move back closer to nature and consume less. Infact in the book Ikigai, the authors mention a lifestyle that is simple, organised, social and close to nature. We have been straining the natural resources and depleting them really fast. This is giving rise to one calamity after other. Most of these calamities are manmade and triggered by mindless consumption fuelled by our limitless greed for more. It's time we pause. It's time we look at and refer the wisdom of our ances...
Everyday, there are tiny emotions and brain waves - some real and some imaginary, touch us and help us experience something new. Something that we have not experienced before. Something that made us a little older, a little wiser, a little sadder, a little happier and a little more humane....I am trying to catch these thoughts and brainwaves and sharing with you...for you to live them, through my eyes...