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Showing posts from January, 2017

Can the exhibition industry go virtual?

Exhibitions and stalls are an integral part of direct marketing in almost every industry. But can these exhibitions go virtual? The stalls could be virtually created and virtual meetings fixed from the comfort of one's own location. Imagine the amount of time that can be saved in travelling, planning logistics, managing hotel reservations etc. And ofcourse the cost. Imagine if virtual reality was able to give you the same feel as you get when you are inside an exhibition! You look around and be part of the traffic just as you are in real world.... Imagine animation, 3D and other graphics can add life to your stall. Just like an animation film, if  you are able to create a virtual reality.... If today you are able to attend eight meetings a day, may be you could attend twelve then as you will save the time of commuting physically from one room to another. Can it happen in the near future? I feel it can! Would love to know your views. ---------------- The views expressed are m...

Let's go global

Recently a friend's wife mentioned to me that Delhi board is contemplating making an Indian language compulsory as the third language. The first and second being English and Hindi respectively. So a foreign language, other than English, is pushed to a fourth option and not mandatory. I found it really odd. The world order is changing. More and more Indians are settling abroad. Many Indian companies are setting shop in India inspired by the Make in India campaign. More and more tourists are visiting India inspired by Incredible India. If we want Indians to be global citizens, then we must equip them with the right tools. And foreign language is one of the basics in getting to be a global citizen. If we want the world to come to us and we want to do business we must speak their tongue. There are too many languages in India and for all practical purposes business is and will continue to be done in English and/ or Hindi. So why complicate the child's life? Why teach them someth...