Indian mythology talks of three Gods - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma the God of creation, Vishnu the God of sustenance and Shiva the lord of destruction. It is said that we are now in the Kali Yuga where the lord will destroy the world and the world will again begin from nothing.
Humans are actually quite recent phenomenon. The world existed billions of years before humans. We, humans are around 13000 years old on earth and that's like a blink in the lifetime of earth.
Are we the messengers of Shiva? The lord of destruction? Born to destroy the world and create it from the beginning?
We have consistently destroyed the surroundings. We are responsible for the disappearance of so many species from this world. We are polluting the atmosphere. We are killing the oceans. We are on the verge of melting the polar caps. Hell, we are on the verge of killing ourselves as some Harakiri where we are creating robots which will ultimately directly indirectly willingly unwillingly eliminate us.
We are on the verge of killing all forms of life on this planet so that the planet is again ready to sow the seeds of life once again and start life all over again.
And we will all merge with the soul of the universe and be free from the vicious cycle of life and death. We will merge with our creator and be whole again.