Why are we humans so violent? I don't know! For thousands of years, we have been killing each other in the name of gold, power, religion, ideology, differences, similarities and what not...
We have short lives. Most of us won't survive beyond 75 years of age. Even then why are we so greedy? Greedy to want more and more and more? Without having the time to enjoy what we already have. And we have enough...enough to live together in peace, in harmony and in happiness.
The recent attack of Russia on Ukraine makes me wonder, are we ever going to learn anything from History? Will we ever learn to live in peace? We are driven by greed that puts thousands and thousands of people at risk. Millions are looking at uncertainty that they are not responsible for. We never seem to understand that we are all connected. Our destinities entwined. Inseparable. We will either survive together or die together. That's how the nature will treat us. That's how the cosmos will react. Mankind is one for the cosmos. The differences are our own.
I pray for everyone's wellbeing. I wish for peace and happiness. So that we all can live happily and have meaningful lives. God please help us!