It's 2AM the world's asleep And its stunningly quiet around Air conditioning and my heart beat Are the only audible sound My mind wakes up and stretches My imagination begins a feast The words and thoughts just keep flowing Like some angry wild beast I feel one with the universe With infinite energy flowing through my mind Creating fascinating fantasies and images I find otherwise difficult to find It's the best time of my existence Life's best moments for self realisation To do the things you crave for In your wild wild imagination It's your life so enjoy every bit It's melting away each moment Death is slowly coming your way To snatch you away and torment It's time to be the Buddha It's time to wake up your soul It's time to ask the universe To heal you and make you whole It's time to think, feel and introspect The meaning of our seemingly useless existence The agony and ecstacy that we undergo For this meaningless hu...
Everyday, there are tiny emotions and brain waves - some real and some imaginary, touch us and help us experience something new. Something that we have not experienced before. Something that made us a little older, a little wiser, a little sadder, a little happier and a little more humane....I am trying to catch these thoughts and brainwaves and sharing with you...for you to live them, through my eyes...