I feel like the Bedouins of yore
Exploring the hot sands of my heart
Hungry and tired
Looking for water to quench my eternal thirst
Then I see you from far far away
Like a beautiful rainbow on the colourful sky
And coming my way
Like a messiah, you fill me with so much joy it makes me cry
I feel my prayers are answered
You are all that I dreamed of and more
I run to you ignoring my fatigue and
The wounds of soul turned sore
But you turn away
Like a mirage playing tricks on my mind
The sun of loneliness scorches on...
Driving my eyes blind
I still look for you always
My long awaited soul mate
I have waited for many years
Fighting battles of fate
I look up to the sky from time to time
Waiting for a glimpse of you
The smile the eyes the innocence
Showering on me making my dreams come true
I miss your whispers in my ears
I miss the laughter in your eyes
You are a true gift from God
Sent straight from up in the skies
Come back and speak to me
Ease the rising pain in my breast
You complete my life with your touch
Come back my friend oh dearest