Being a person in branding and marketing, I typically think in Ps. So it's no different when it comes to happiness. I think there are 8Ps that lead to happiness and I intend to follow them this year.
1. Pray: I think it's a no brainer that the more advanced we are getting as a civilization, the more out of control we seem to be getting. So the only force we can rely on is the almighty. He will guide and protect us. I want to be thankful for His divine grace.
2. Physique: The body is the home we have on this earth. For too long, i have taken it for granted. It's high time I start taking good care of it. Follow some exercise and live a healthy life.
3. Passion: The COVID has taught us that life is full of uncertainties. I want to live every moment from now on with passion. And do things that I enjoy doing, as much as I can.
4. Purpose: This year, I want to focus on finding my Ikigai seriously and try to look for divine guidance to live on that path
5. People: The people in our lives are so important. Some give us happiness and others a lesson. I want to try and learn something from everyone around me. As everyone we meet has something to teach us.
6. Possession: I want to try and adapt to a minimalist lifestyle. Focus less on consumption and more on contribution to the planet and the communities I am part of. Focus on possessions that will stay with me till the end.
7. Places: There are so many beautiful places on this planet. I want to travel more and see more places starting this year. So that I am closer to nature and enjoy being close to the creations of mother earth.
8. Positivity: Last but not the least. I want to try and focus on the positive in every situation. Be a carrier of the posivity virus that spreads around freely.
I know I may not achieve everything on the list. But I want to consciously try and get better at following the 8Ps so that eventually with passing time, I'm able to find my Ikigai and live a more fulfilling and rich life as time goes by.