#metoo is undoubtedly the most infamous two words on social media today and has become a viral over many platforms. Three lessons we can learn from it are:
1. Oppression unites
Every revolution in the world is a witness to this. Oppression unites people and creates a common language that becomes the symbol of the movement. The red flag of communism or the Nazi flag, certain symbols cause pain for decades. #metoo is an addition to this long list.
2. Tears spread faster & wider than smiles on social media
Anger, sorrow, pain spreads faster and wider on the social media as if human beings are like magnets that attract negative vibes first and fast.
3. Virals spread easily from one platform to another and together have the Dominio effect
The origin of this campaign was a text or post in one platform. Now it is a wild fire across all leading media and is fuelling a revolution around the world. #metoo showed the world how powerful the social media can be and that how individuals with the right message can create a revolution. Lots of learning for the world in #metoo.