There are killers lurking around you
People who want to kill your happiness
Strangle your desires
And stab your dreams
Dressed as friends & family.
They get pleasure by stripping you naked of your hope
Avoid them. Blast their intentions.
Kill their evil initiatives.
That's the only way you can survive.
You owe it to yourself.
You are not a black hole to suck out all darkness in this world
You are human not an alien from Mars
Who is made from different elements
Protect your dreams
Don't let the dream rapers rape them.
Your dreams are your sunshine and moonlight
Your candle over the most romantic dinner with your soul
Find the eternal peace by making peace with yourself.
The darkness enveloping the world will lighten itself up
Making way for you to conquer the terror spread by the mass murderers of humanity
Spread hope. Spread joy. Spread happiness.
Enjoy life like you have moments only to live and relish life like it will last forever.