Can there be anything more beautiful than the clear blue skies with the white cotton like clouds drifting through
Can there be anything more soothing that the large tress in a forest on whom the birds sing freely
Can there be anything more calming than the river stream flowing gently reflecting the moon on its waters
Can there be anything more intoxicating than the raindrops pouring over your roof in a rhythm of its own
I feel our senses were created to love and appreciate nature
To admire the beauty of the colours in the flowers and the butterflies
To relish the taste of the freshest fruits and the sweetest honey
To feast our eyes with the rising sun and the beauty of the moonlit nights
Let's not waste our lives running after man made toys
That make us old, greedy and weak
Let's head back to nature in droves
To the world we come from before we created our own hell's
It's still not late
To handover our future to fate
We might still be able to get back peace
And live life in harmony with nature at ease